Life is always changing, and we have to accept it.
It's hard for us to change others. And the best thing we can do for a beautiful life is trying to make ourselves perfect and forgive the other's mistakes.
Nobody knows clearly about the total time of each person, and if we still live, we have to use our time efficiently in our life, our happiness with our important people.
I have traveled to Dinh Que in Tay Giang district. It is a beautiful place and famous for its scene where we can see the full blue sky and vast mountain forest.
We take 3 hours by motorbike to go to the top of the mountain. All of us will be amazing because of the reality. This place has only a wooden background is circular and surrounded by a sharp frame.
Although its location in a high place, many people come here to visit and experi this place. They are friends, family, or lovers and want to share this peaceful place.
So, if you have time, you should come there to visit and rent a motel overnight with your friends. You can set a campfire and enjoy a memorable night together.
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